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What Is the Difference Between a Manifest and a Bill of Lading?

What Is the Difference Between a Manifest and a Bill of Lading?

Hazardous waste manifest – does the term make your pulse race a bit faster or your blood pressure rise a bit? That would be understandable since there is a lot at stake and a significant amount of details to cover when dealing with such waste paperwork. For organizations operating in one of the many industries that generate waste, it is more than likely that you have heard of the terms “shipping manifest” and “bill of lading.”

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Waste Management Requirements for Pharmaceutical Waste

Waste Management Requirements for Pharmaceutical Waste

Is everyone in your medical facility or pharmacy familiar with the laws regarding pharmaceutical waste management and disposal processes? While most pharmaceutical waste is generated by hospitals and pharmacies, pharmaceutical waste in any healthcare scenario presents a unique set of challenges due to the complexity of its varied waste stream and evolving understanding of its impact on human health and the environment.

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