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Medical Waste Disposal Tips—Regulatory Compliance Checklists Are Key

Medical Waste Disposal Tips—Regulatory Compliance Checklists Are Key

If you run or manage a doctor’s office, you know how important it is to follow each and every regulation related to proper medical waste removal. However, you’re probably also keenly aware of just how many steps that process involves—at the local, state, and federal level. If you’re feeling overwhelmed keeping all these rules and regulations straight, consider the benefits of a regulatory compliance checklist. Such a checklist is essential to keeping your office both safe and compliant.  

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Waste Disposal Tips—Creating a Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal Checklist

Waste Disposal Tips—Creating a Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal Checklist

Pharmaceutical waste disposal involves a lot of laws and just as many regulations. If you want your pharmacy to be fully compliant (and, therefore, minimize your chance of getting fined), you need to be organized and diligent about your waste management efforts. A checklist is one simple way to make sure you haven’t neglected any steps. With that in mind, the following is a brief overview of five line items that should appear on your pharmaceutical waste checklist.  

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Beware of Cheap Hazardous Waste Removal Companies

Beware of Cheap Hazardous Waste Removal Companies

When you generate hazardous waste, you need to dispose of it properly – and that can be costly. It can be tempting to choose a lower price in order to keep your costs down. But the cheapest option isn’t always the best one, especially when you’re choosing a hazardous...

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Space Waste? There’s a Laser for That

Space Waste? There’s a Laser for That

You often think that once something is disposed of and goes to the landfill that it’s gone. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. In December 2014, 18,000 fruit cakes were discarded at a landfill in Kragujevac, Serbia after the owner of the cakes determined they were spoiled. Surveillance footage later showed the cakes being removed from the landfill and then offered to the public.

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Stolen from a Landfill and Sold to the Public

Stolen from a Landfill and Sold to the Public

You often think that once something is disposed of and goes to the landfill that it’s gone. Unfortunately, that isn’t always the case. In December 2014, 18,000 fruit cakes were discarded at a landfill in Kragujevac, Serbia after the owner of the cakes determined they were spoiled. Surveillance footage later showed the cakes being removed from the landfill and then offered to the public.

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Hazardous Waste Generators: 3 Hazardous Waste Generators

Hazardous Waste Generators: 3 Hazardous Waste Generators

Businesses that generate hazardous waste must manage that waste based on their specific generator type. Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), US EPA identifies three hazardous waste generators: Large Quantity Generators (LQG), Small Quantity...

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Are You Properly Disposing PHI documents?

Are You Properly Disposing PHI documents?

In 1996, the US implemented the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) as a way to safeguard patient privacy and prevent unauthorized access to individually identifiable Health Information. Also known as the Privacy Rule, the main goal of HIPAA is...

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Can you Properly Identify Biomedical Waste?

Can you Properly Identify Biomedical Waste?

From cutting-edge medical research to crime scenes, biomedical waste goes hand-in-hand with most activities related to maintaining the health and safety of our communities. While the most common forms of biomedical waste can be found in hospitals and other healthcare...

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Mini-Guide for Industrial Waste Management

Mini-Guide for Industrial Waste Management

With over one billion tons of municipal solid waste generated worldwide every year, industrial waste management is serious business. Because improper waste treatment and disposal can lead to environmental pollution, and create serious ramifications for human health and safety, all generators of industrial waste need to implement strategic, professional industrial waste management.  While dealing with industrial waste streams can be complicated and overwhelming, understanding the right methodologies and procedures can go a long way towards easing anxiety and providing a framework for action. 

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How Hazardous Waste Compliance is Monitored

How Hazardous Waste Compliance is Monitored

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) covers basic management standards for hazardous waste generators. Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), includes hazardous waste collection, treatment, and transportation guidelines. The RCRA establishes proper hazardous waste management, with the goal of protecting human health and the environment while also curtailing intrusive or adverse impacts on daily businesses operations. 

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