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Full-Service Medical Waste Management Company: How It Saves You Money

Full-Service Medical Waste Management Company: How It Saves You Money

Dealing with your medical waste removal doesn’t need to be a pricy, difficult process—so long as you know how to avoid that. One of the easiest ways to save yourself hassle, time, and money is not just to work with any medical waste management company, but to find and work with the right company.  What makes a company the “right” company? Read on to find out!  

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RCRA Regulations: What Your Waste Management Company Should Know

RCRA Regulations: What Your Waste Management Company Should Know

RCRA regulations are a complex area within hazardous waste management, so it’s vitally important you’re working with a waste management company that has a thorough understanding of the intricacies of those laws. If you’re at all confused by current RCRA law, use the following as a general guide to brush up on the basics of what you need to know.  

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Hazardous Medical Waste Disposal: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hazardous Medical Waste Disposal: A Step-by-Step Guide

If your clinic or medical facility produces any hazardous medical waste, you probably already realize there are specific rules and legal regulations that dictate how that waste needs to be handled. If you’re confused or unclear about even one of these steps, read the following list carefully. If you still feel you need guidance or want help with any given step, contact your local hazardous waste removal companies for more personalized information.  

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Sharps Container Disposal: 4 Tips for Atlanta, GA, Doctors’ Offices

Sharps Container Disposal: 4 Tips for Atlanta, GA, Doctors’ Offices

Do you ever find yourself wondering whether your Atlanta-based medical facility is doing everything by the book with regard to your sharps container disposal? If you’re not 100 percent certain you’re following every law, make sure to keep reading! It could just help your Atlanta doctor’s office avoid fines or other penalties.  

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Best 5 Medical Waste Disposal Tips for Georgia Medical Practices

Best 5 Medical Waste Disposal Tips for Georgia Medical Practices

Dealing with your medical waste disposal in Georgia is an involved process that requires many steps to ensure you’re fully in compliance. While the process is intensive, an experienced medical waste management company can walk you through those steps with less hassle and fear of punishment from noncompliance. Use the following waste management tips to handle all your waste disposal needs in the easiest, most cost-effective way possible.  

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Document Destruction: Why Your Atlanta Doctor’s Office Should Care

Document Destruction: Why Your Atlanta Doctor’s Office Should Care

Documentation destruction is a vital part of running any Atlanta doctor’s office. Properly following that protocol ensures you’re in full HIPAA compliance, and that’s important for a number of reasons. Not only does it protect your doctor’s office from fines or other punitive actions, but it also ensures your patients’ private information is never stolen, shared, or compromised.  

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Hazardous Waste Disposal in Atlanta: Why Choose a Full-Service Company

Hazardous Waste Disposal in Atlanta: Why Choose a Full-Service Company

Proper hazardous waste disposal is an essential part of your Atlanta-based company’s waste management system. If you do produce this type of waste and haven’t yet selected from your local hazardous waste management companies, consider going with a full-service company. These can provide a number of benefits to you and your business.  

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OSHA Compliance Training for Atlanta, Georgia, Doctors’ Offices

OSHA Compliance Training for Atlanta, Georgia, Doctors’ Offices

Keeping your Atlanta, Georgia, doctor’s office in full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations can be difficult, but one such regulation that you’re probably quite familiar with relates to OSHA compliance training. However, if you’re at all confused by what OSHA requires or what your office needs to implement to be compliant, read on!  

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Why Does Proper Biohazardous Waste Disposal Matter?

Why Does Proper Biohazardous Waste Disposal Matter?

The rules surrounding biohazardous waste disposal have changed dramatically over the past forty years. As people become increasingly aware of the dangers associated with improper disposal and as laws regarding that disposal become increasingly strict, more and more people are learning about the implications of not knowing or following these rules. There are, of course, legal implications, but there are also safety issues to consider. Therefore, if you run a clinic, doctor’s office, dentist’s office, veterinarian clinic, or a fully functioning hospital, it’s crucial that you both learn this information and put it into practice daily at your facility.  

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Atlanta Hazardous Waste: Important Tips for Disposing of RCRA Metals

Atlanta Hazardous Waste: Important Tips for Disposing of RCRA Metals

When people think of hazardous waste, they often imagine large containers bubbling over with oozing, neon sludge, but hazardous waste actually comes in many different forms and categories. One such lesser-known category is RCRA metals. There are eight of them, and if you suspect your Atlanta business, manufacturing plant, or property has this kind of contamination, you will need to get in contact with a reputable local hazardous waste management company to correctly identify and then subsequently deal with that issue.

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