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Complying with Hazardous Waste Regulations

Complying with Hazardous Waste Regulations

The number of industries generating hazardous waste covers everything from large manufacturing facilities to small “mom-and-pop” businesses, but regardless of size, every hazardous waste generator must comply with the US Environmental Protection Agency’s regulatory guidelines, as well as any other federal, state, or local laws. Failure to comply with the relevant statutes and guidelines could result in penalties, fines, and other legal liabilities.  

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Overpriced Medical Waste Disposal & Cincinnati, Ohio, Doctors’ Offices

Overpriced Medical Waste Disposal & Cincinnati, Ohio, Doctors’ Offices

It can be difficult for any medical facility to determine whether they’re overpaying for their medical waste disposal. If your Cincinnati, Ohio, doctor’s office is wondering about this very thing, don’t worry! With a bit of research and legwork, there are some easy ways you can determine if you’re getting the best deal. Read on for tips and pointers about how to get started.  

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Are You Overpaying for Medical Waste Removal in Louisville, Kentucky?

Are You Overpaying for Medical Waste Removal in Louisville, Kentucky?

Any doctor’s office based out of Louisville, Kentucky, should take a careful look at how much they are paying for medical waste removal. In an age of medical waste contracts, it’s surprisingly easy to overpay, and it could mean significant savings for your doctor’s office if you reviewed all your options when it came to medical waste disposal.  

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Waste Management Contract Renewal Dates and Doctors’ Offices in Ohio

Waste Management Contract Renewal Dates and Doctors’ Offices in Ohio

If you run a doctor’s office in Ohio, it’s possible you’re currently in a waste management contract or are thinking about joining one in order to deal with all your generated medical waste. If that’s the case, there are some very important things you need to know first about both these contracts and their renewal dates.  

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Pick a Hazardous Waste Management Company—8 Tips for GA Manufacturers

Pick a Hazardous Waste Management Company—8 Tips for GA Manufacturers

When selecting a hazardous waste management company, your Georgia-based manufacturer needs to keep many things in mind. With such an important decision, though, it’s no surprise that many factors must go in to the decision process. To make things a bit easier, here are eight waste management tips to guide your Georgia manufacturer in this crucial decision.  

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A Lab Pack Checklist Can Keep Your College Compliant

A Lab Pack Checklist Can Keep Your College Compliant

  If your college or university generates laboratory waste, it’s imperative you know how to safely and legally store, ship, and treat that waste. But with so many local, state, and federal regulations regarding this kind of waste disposal, it can be overwhelming to remember every little task. Unfortunately, one missed step in the lab pack process could lead to serious consequences, which is why a checklist becomes so important.  

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Georgia Manufacturers’ Transport Fees—Hazardous Waste Disposal Costs

Georgia Manufacturers’ Transport Fees—Hazardous Waste Disposal Costs

As a Georgia manufacturer, you likely have need of safe, reliable, legal, and cost-effective hazardous waste disposal, and a big component of that has to do with transportation fees. With that in mind, what factors affect this transport fee, and what can Georgia-based manufacturers expect when it comes to shouldering this expense?  

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Why Georgia Manufacturers Must Have a Waste Profile

Why Georgia Manufacturers Must Have a Waste Profile

Any manufacturer in the state of Georgia must ensure that all waste shipments are accompanied by the proper paperwork, and that includes a waste profile prior to shipment. What does this important piece of paperwork entail, though, and as a manufacturer in Georgia that generates waste streams, why does this profile matter?  

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Does Your Georgia Doctor’s Office Have a Medical Waste Plan?

Does Your Georgia Doctor’s Office Have a Medical Waste Plan?

If a Georgia-based doctor’s office fails to have a thorough medical waste plan in place, that office is potentially putting itself at risk of being out of compliance with local, state, and federal laws. This makes that medical facility vulnerable to significant fines and other punitive consequences. If you run or manage a Georgia doctor’s office, make sure you have the right medical waste plan in place by following these important recommendations.  

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