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Best Steps to Dispose of Chemical Hazardous Waste at Universities

Best Steps to Dispose of Chemical Hazardous Waste at Universities

Chemical hazardous waste within a university setting needs to be properly disposed of. Not following the correct steps can quickly lead to unsafe situations (for students and staff) as well as fines for improper waste disposal. To avoid these negative consequences at your university, make sure the following steps are within your hazardous waste management plan.  

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Hazardous Waste Manifest and Bill of Lading—Different for Colleges?

Hazardous Waste Manifest and Bill of Lading—Different for Colleges?

Having the proper paperwork is an essential part of all hazardous waste disposal guidelines, and two important documents include the hazardous waste manifest and the bill of lading. What exactly are these documents, though, and are there special considerations that colleges need to take into account before shipping hazardous waste?  

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