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How Medical Waste is Treated and Disposed

How Medical Waste is Treated and Disposed

Treatment and disposal methods of medical waste relies on the type of waste. Hazardous waste treatment and disposal regulations are different than regulations for non-hazardous waste. All medical waste needs to be identified and segregated to ensure that proper management processes are involved, following federal and state guidelines.

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Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

If you generate any hazardous materials in your line of work, it’s imperative you know your EPA generator status. Whether you’re a large quantity generator or a conditionally exempt small quantity generator or in between, your status dictates important aspects of how you store, transport, and report on your waste. Failure to comply with federal and state regulations and laws that apply to your status could result in steep fines.

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How to Avoid Becoming a Large Quantity Generator

How to Avoid Becoming a Large Quantity Generator

If your facility produces any kind of hazardous waste, you need to be aware of your EPA generator status and how to legally avoid registering – and paying the fees of – a large quantity generator. The large quantity status also comes with plenty of additional regulations and paperwork to ensure compliance with federal and state laws. Taking certain steps can reduce your classification as a large quantity generator – saving you money, hassle, and paperwork.

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What You Need to Know about Hazardous Waste Management in Georgia

What You Need to Know about Hazardous Waste Management in Georgia

If you run a manufacturing plant or otherwise generate hazardous waste from a healthcare facility or local business in Georgia, it is imperative you know how to properly dispose of this waste appropriate. As Georgia locals, let our experts at MCF help you navigate requirements specific to the hazardous waste types your facility is generating.

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Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

If you generate any hazardous materials in your line of work, it’s imperative you know your EPA generator status. Whether you’re a large quantity generator or a conditionally exempt small quantity generator dictates important aspects of how you store, transport, and report on your waste, and failure to comply with the regulations and laws that apply to your status could result in steep fines.  

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Waste Management Requirements for Pharmaceutical Waste

Waste Management Requirements for Pharmaceutical Waste

Relatively new to the waste management arena, pharmaceutical waste presents a “new frontier” for hazardous waste collection and disposal. Most often generated by hospitals and pharmacies, pharmaceutical waste presents a unique set of challenges due to the complexity of its varied waste stream and evolving understanding of its impact on human health and the environment. 

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What Is a Hazardous Waste Management System for a College?

What Is a Hazardous Waste Management System for a College?

It is vital that every college has a researched, thorough, written hazardous waste management system in place for several key reasons. One, universities and colleges, whether they realize it or not, tend to generate a lot of hazardous material that needs to be properly disposed of. Two, failing to properly dispose of hazardous materials can lead to serious fines, and three, improper storage and disposal could pose health and safety risks—to the staff and students.   With so much on the line, what does your university need to do to ensure it has the right hazardous waste management system?  

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