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Complying with Hazardous Waste Regulations

Complying with Hazardous Waste Regulations

The number of industries generating hazardous waste covers everything from large manufacturing facilities to small “mom-and-pop” businesses, but regardless of size, every hazardous waste generator must comply with the US Environmental Protection Agency’s regulatory guidelines, as well as any other federal, state, or local laws. Failure to comply with the relevant statutes and guidelines could result in penalties, fines, and other legal liabilities.  

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Pick a Hazardous Waste Management Company—8 Tips for GA Manufacturers

Pick a Hazardous Waste Management Company—8 Tips for GA Manufacturers

When selecting a hazardous waste management company, your Georgia-based manufacturer needs to keep many things in mind. With such an important decision, though, it’s no surprise that many factors must go in to the decision process. To make things a bit easier, here are eight waste management tips to guide your Georgia manufacturer in this crucial decision.  

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8 Best Ways to Save Money on Medical Waste Services in Atlanta, GA

8 Best Ways to Save Money on Medical Waste Services in Atlanta, GA

If your Atlanta-based facility has need of medical waste services, it’s a good bet you’re always on the lookout for ways to cut down on that waste management cost. With that in mind, the following are eight simple ways to reduce waste management price without compromising on your compliance with either federal or Georgia-specific regulations.  

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7 Tips Atlanta Nursing Homes Must Know: Hiring a Medical Waste Company

7 Tips Atlanta Nursing Homes Must Know: Hiring a Medical Waste Company

If you operate a nursing home in the Atlanta region, it’s important that you know everything you can about Atlanta waste management companies. As a facility that generates medical waste, you are responsible for complying with all state and federal-level laws related to the proper disposal of medical waste. Therefore, to avoid fines and other penalties, make sure you know how to choose the right medical waste disposal company!  

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Sharps Container Disposal: 4 Tips for Atlanta, GA, Doctors’ Offices

Sharps Container Disposal: 4 Tips for Atlanta, GA, Doctors’ Offices

Do you ever find yourself wondering whether your Atlanta-based medical facility is doing everything by the book with regard to your sharps container disposal? If you’re not 100 percent certain you’re following every law, make sure to keep reading! It could just help your Atlanta doctor’s office avoid fines or other penalties.  

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Best 5 Medical Waste Disposal Tips for Georgia Medical Practices

Best 5 Medical Waste Disposal Tips for Georgia Medical Practices

Dealing with your medical waste disposal in Georgia is an involved process that requires many steps to ensure you’re fully in compliance. While the process is intensive, an experienced medical waste management company can walk you through those steps with less hassle and fear of punishment from noncompliance. Use the following waste management tips to handle all your waste disposal needs in the easiest, most cost-effective way possible.  

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Document Destruction: Why Your Atlanta Doctor’s Office Should Care

Document Destruction: Why Your Atlanta Doctor’s Office Should Care

Documentation destruction is a vital part of running any Atlanta doctor’s office. Properly following that protocol ensures you’re in full HIPAA compliance, and that’s important for a number of reasons. Not only does it protect your doctor’s office from fines or other punitive actions, but it also ensures your patients’ private information is never stolen, shared, or compromised.  

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Hazardous Waste Disposal in Atlanta: Why Choose a Full-Service Company

Hazardous Waste Disposal in Atlanta: Why Choose a Full-Service Company

Proper hazardous waste disposal is an essential part of your Atlanta-based company’s waste management system. If you do produce this type of waste and haven’t yet selected from your local hazardous waste management companies, consider going with a full-service company. These can provide a number of benefits to you and your business.  

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