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8 Best Ways to Save Money on Medical Waste Services in Atlanta, GA

8 Best Ways to Save Money on Medical Waste Services in Atlanta, GA

If your Atlanta-based facility has need of medical waste services, it’s a good bet you’re always on the lookout for ways to cut down on that waste management cost. With that in mind, the following are eight simple ways to reduce waste management price without compromising on your compliance with either federal or Georgia-specific regulations.  

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Doctors’ Office Managers: Choosing a Medical Waste Management Company

Doctors’ Office Managers: Choosing a Medical Waste Management Company

It’s no small task for a doctors’ office manager to choose the right medical waste management company, but it doesn’t need to be an overwhelming process. With a few waste management tips and tricks, you can go in prepared with all the knowledge and know-how you need to select the company that’s going to provide the best value and customer service, while being the most knowledgeable, reputable, and professional.  

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Why Manufacturers Must Have a Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan

Why Manufacturers Must Have a Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan

If you’ve never heard of a hazardous waste contingency plan or you know your manufacturing facility’s version is woefully out of date, it’s extremely important to get informed and create this document as accurately and thoroughly as possible. It’s a matter of legality, but it’s also about ensuring your facility holds itself to the highest safety standards.  

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Is Your OSHA Training Expensive and Inconvenient?

Is Your OSHA Training Expensive and Inconvenient?

If your facility’s employees are required to undergo OSHA training, you are probably very familiar with all the regulations and rules surrounding those trainings. You are probably also frustrated year in and year out with how expensive and inconvenient those trainings seem to be. It doesn’t need to be that way, though! There are ways to cut down on the time, expense, and headache of OSHA trainings without compromising on quality or your level of compliance.  

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Pharmaceutical Waste: Best Practices to Keep Your Pharmacy Compliant

Pharmaceutical Waste: Best Practices to Keep Your Pharmacy Compliant

Properly disposing of all pharmaceutical waste can be challenging because of how many waste streams the average pharmacy creates. To complicate matters, every one of those waste streams has specific rules and regulations regarding proper waste disposal protocol. When your pharmacy is legally and financially obligated to follow those rules, it becomes extremely important to know exactly what practices to enforce in order to ensure your total compliance.  

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Medical Waste Contracts: 8 Questions to Ask Before You Sign

Medical Waste Contracts: 8 Questions to Ask Before You Sign

Medical waste contracts are not something to take lightly. Once you sign on the dotted line, you are financially and legally obligated to comply with the terms of that contract. What does this mean for your medical waste management? It means it’s imperative you ask the right questions and get all the information about the contract before you agree to anything in writing.  

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Medical Waste Disposal Cost: 6 Ways You Could Be Overpaying

Medical Waste Disposal Cost: 6 Ways You Could Be Overpaying

When it comes to your medical waste disposal cost, you could be paying more than necessary—and not even know it. If you suspect you’re overpaying, read on to discover six of the most common ways people are needlessly shelling out for their medical waste removal.  

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Hazardous Waste Disposal for Rarer Classes of Hazardous Waste

Hazardous Waste Disposal for Rarer Classes of Hazardous Waste

All hazardous waste poses dangers to the environment, animals, and people that come in contact with it, and this waste stream requires special hazardous waste disposal steps. However, there are some less common classes of hazardous waste that are particularly dangerous, and people creating, handling, storing, or disposing of this waste need to be aware of the extra precautions that should be taken to be fully safe and legally compliant. With that in mind, the following are some less common classes of hazardous waste and how to safely dispose of them.  

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Build an Effective Hazardous Waste Disposal Program for Pharmacies

Build an Effective Hazardous Waste Disposal Program for Pharmacies

Pharmacies produce a variety of waste types, and it’s imperative that they give forethought and planning to their hazardous waste disposal programs. Without that careful thought and consideration, pharmacies could find themselves out of compliance with federal and state laws, which brings with it a laundry list of potential consequences. The best course of action, therefore, is to thoroughly learn what’s required of you as a pharmacy and then reach out to reputable, experienced hazardous waste disposal companies to take care of those waste management needs.  

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Does Your Nursing Home Have a Good Medical Waste Management Plan?

Does Your Nursing Home Have a Good Medical Waste Management Plan?

Properly disposing of all waste streams and ensuring a sound medical waste disposal system is incredibly important for any business, and that applies equally to nursing homes. Because these care centers generally produce multiple types of waste, it’s especially important to create a plan with adequate forethought that ensures your legal compliance with all applicable regulations and rules.  

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