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Ten Key Questions To Ask When Choosing a Waste Disposal Provider

Ten Key Questions To Ask When Choosing a Waste Disposal Provider

When it comes to finding the right waste management partner, you need to be able to ask the right questions. This blog entry reviews the fundamentals of hazardous waste management to inform a list of basic questions you should ask a prospective waste disposal provider to ensure you get the service you need.

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How to Label Hazardous Waste Containers Properly

How to Label Hazardous Waste Containers Properly

Labels on hazardous material containers alert people in a clear, easy way about the dangers of that waste. If labels aren’t accurate—or are missing altogether—people have no way of knowing what they are handling.

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An Overview of Electronic Waste Disposal

An Overview of Electronic Waste Disposal

Electronics have become endemic to all business and industry. As these devices reach their ends of life, e-waste has exploded into a worldwide environmental issue, becoming the most common universal waste that owners and managers must contend with.

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Hazardous Waste Disposal Costs—What to Know about Transportation Fees

Hazardous Waste Disposal Costs—What to Know about Transportation Fees

Knowing what you need to pay for proper hazardous waste disposal can seem confusing, but hazardous waste disposal costs don’t need to be a mystery. With a little bit of research and the right tactics, you can learn and master everything you need to know about transportation fees and anything else associated with hazardous waste management pricing.  

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How and Why Dental Waste is Hazardous Waste

How and Why Dental Waste is Hazardous Waste

If you’re a dentist—or the manager of a dental clinic—it’s understandable if you’ve never heard of something called a “conditionally exempt small quantity generator” (CESQG). But in the eyes of the EPA, that’s very likely you—and what you’re generating is nothing less than hazardous waste.

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What Is a Hazardous Waste Profile and Non-Hazardous Waste Profile?

What Is a Hazardous Waste Profile and Non-Hazardous Waste Profile?

There are many steps required to legally and safely transport hazardous waste as well as any variety of non-hazardous waste. One of the most crucial steps in that process is properly filling out a waste profile. What exactly is this form, though, and why is it so important to this process of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal?  

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What Makes Dry Cleaning Waste Hazardous?

What Makes Dry Cleaning Waste Hazardous?

Dry cleaning waste can require hazardous waste disposal as a listed waste or a characteristic waste. And the amount of dry cleaning waste you generate in a month determines what size hazardous waste generator the EPA considers you to be: an LGQ, SQG, VSQG, or CESQG.

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How Pharmacies Should Dispose of Expired Medicine or Drugs

How Pharmacies Should Dispose of Expired Medicine or Drugs

One of the biggest benefits hazardous waste management companies can offer pharmacies is their expertise on expired medication disposal. Because it is so common for various medications to expire in a pharmacy and require proper disposal, every pharmacy should be fully up to date on the protocol for proper medication disposal (and the consequences for failing to follow that protocol).  

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