If your Atlanta-based facility has need of medical waste services, it's a good bet you're always on the lookout for ways to cut down on that waste management cost. With that in mind, the following are eight simple ways to reduce waste management price without compromising on your compliance with either federal or Georgia-specific regulations.
8 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Atlanta Waste Management Costs
#1: Waste Management Contracts versus Waste Management Service Agreements
One of the easiest ways to overpay with your waste disposal costs is to get locked into a multiyear waste management contract. The more cost-effective solution is often a waste management service agreement, wherein you only pay for the services used in any given month. There's no breakage penalty and no paying for services you didn't even need that month just because they're bundled into your monthly bill.
#2: Choose from Medical Waste Management Companies with Outstanding Customer Service
Excellent customer service might just seem like a nice bonus, but it can actually save you money. If you're spending hours sitting on the phone and waiting to get an issue resolved or a question answered, that's time out of your day you can't be performing the day-to-day tasks of your job. When time is money, timely customer service can actually end up reducing your waste management costs.
#3: Choose a Waste Management Company that Won't Nickel and Dime You
When dealing with your waste management company, you shouldn't feel as if you're getting charged for every little thing. For example, look for a company that provides some number of free waste containers. Whether it's red bags for regulated medical waste or a sharp bin for your used syringes, all those little expenses can really add up and increase the cost of waste management for your facility. Don't expect that company to keep you in an endless supply of free materials, but expect some—and for that company to then follow through on whatever they promise.
#4: Use Proper Red Bag Waste Disposal Protocol
Far too many facilities don't know how to properly handle their red bag waste and end up overpaying for this service. By putting general trash and other waste (that isn't regulated medical waste) in the red bags, you end up needlessly spending on this service.
#5: Get the Best Deal on OSHA Trainings
Every year, OSHA training constitutes a big expense for many medical facilities. However, OSHA compliance training need not be overly expensive. Look for a company that offers you the flexibility and cost savings of OSHA online training.
#6: Look at More Than Waste Management Pricing
Yes, initial waste disposal cost is important but so is choosing a company that is professional, experienced, and knowledgeable enough to handle your medical waste services without a lot of hassle or runaround on your part. When time is money, you can save yourself a significant amount of money by avoiding time-consuming issues and problems with your waste management Atlanta provider. A company that's badly organized and doesn't have efficient communication channels in place can also miss waste pickups or otherwise inflate your cost of waste disposal through incompetence.
Remember, a highly competent company can also help you avoid fines for noncompliance or violations, which can significantly impact your medical waste disposal cost.
#7: Work with a Full-Service Medical Waste Management Company
If your facility is growing and you know you'll need multiple offerings within the medical waste disposal industry, a full-service company that handles everything can be much more cost effective than divvying up these services to multiple companies.
#8: Choose a Georgia-Based Waste Management Company (or a Company That Regularly Services Georgia)
Medical waste regulations vary from state to state, so you want to make sure your company is local and very familiar with Georgia waste management protocol. A company that doesn't comply with the laws of your state when disposing of your medical waste can actually bring fines and other penalties down on your facility. If the company isn't actually based in Georgia, that can be permissible—so long as they regularly service Georgia and know their Georgia-specific laws backward and forward.
For more information about how to safely and legally reduce your cost of waste disposal, please feel free to contact a representative of MCF Environmental Services, a waste management Atlanta GA business.