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How a Medical Waste Assessment Can Save Your Medical Practice Money

How a Medical Waste Assessment Can Save Your Medical Practice Money

As a medical practice that generates medical waste, it’s vitally important to receive a medical waste assessment from a reputable, professional, and experienced waste management company. Price is obviously a large factor when selecting such a company, but you also need to be careful to consider long-term as well as short-term costs. That is to say, what could it ultimately end up costing you if you select a disreputable, unprofessional, or inexperienced company?  

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Medical Waste Incinerator | Why It’s Important to Medical Practices

Medical Waste Incinerator | Why It’s Important to Medical Practices

Properly disposing of certain kinds of waste often involves medical waste incinerators. Due to stringent environmental laws, they must adhere to federal and state guidelines that dictate exactly what type of waste needs to be incinerated and how medical waste generators need to go about storing, transporting, and disposing of that waste. If you’re unaware of these laws—or simply misunderstand their rules—you are still liable to face fines for non-compliance. Therefore, it’s important to know everything you can associated with the medical waste incineration process.

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Hospital Waste Management Best Practices

Hospital Waste Management Best Practices

Medical waste management entails so many rules and protocols you must follow, and under that umbrella, hospital waste management is certainly no exception. Creating and following a best practices plan for your hospital waste management helps to ensure that you remain in compliance with hospital-specific regulations of your locality, state, and the federal government.

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