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Yearly OSHA Requirements for Doctors’ Offices

Yearly OSHA Requirements for Doctors’ Offices

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is tasked with enforcing federal regulations regarding health and safety. Safety is of the utmost importance in doctors’ offices, and OSHA plays an integral part in ensuring all employees in the medical field comply with safety-related legislation. In large part, this process involves employees completing yearly OSHA trainings.

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3 Steps for a Cost-Effective Medical Waste Management Plan in 2017

3 Steps for a Cost-Effective Medical Waste Management Plan in 2017

It’s a new year, and that is always a great time to reevaluate your current medical waste management plan. If you fear you were overpaying in 2016, now is the time to review your current waste management costs and try to determine ways to minimize expenses—without sacrificing quality or reliability of service. To aid in keeping your cost of waste disposal low, the following are three important tactics within any cost-effective plan.  

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Avoid OSHA Fines in 2017—Tips for OSHA Compliance in Doctors’ Offices

Avoid OSHA Fines in 2017—Tips for OSHA Compliance in Doctors’ Offices

If you thought OSHA fines were bad before, then your doctors’ office could be in for a shock because there’s big news you need to know about recent OSHA compliance issues. For the first time since 1990, the maximum civil penalties for OSHA violations have been raised. Significantly. The fines, in some cases, have raised 78 percent!  

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Why OSHA Online Training Is So Beneficial

Why OSHA Online Training Is So Beneficial

Anyone in the medical field knows that full OSHA compliance training is required, but fewer people know that OSHA online training can make that process a lot more seamless and convenient. If you operate, manage, or work at a medical facility that requires OSHA trainings every year, consider the wide range of benefits that come with implementing the online training course.  

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Can OSHA Fine Doctors’ Offices for Not Being in OSHA Compliance?

Can OSHA Fine Doctors’ Offices for Not Being in OSHA Compliance?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal agency that deals with the enforcement of safety and health-related issues within the workplace. When a doctor’s office is found to not be in compliance with the regulations established by OSHA, it is absolutely within OSHA’s powers to levy fines against that doctor’s office. Repeated noncompliance can also lead to OSHA enforcing even stricter fines or more dire consequences.

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