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Pharmacies: How to Dispose of Expired Medication

Pharmacies: How to Dispose of Expired Medication

If you run a pharmacy, it’s critical you know all the steps necessary for proper pharmaceutical waste disposal. Failure to be fully compliant with local, state, and federal laws could result in massive fines, and any noncompliance could also present big environmental and safety concerns. The risks and consequences are high, so if you’re at all unsure about your Georgia pharmacy’s compliance, read on!  

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Waste Management Requirements for Pharmaceutical Waste

Waste Management Requirements for Pharmaceutical Waste

Relatively new to the waste management arena, pharmaceutical waste presents a “new frontier” for hazardous waste collection and disposal. Most often generated by hospitals and pharmacies, pharmaceutical waste presents a unique set of challenges due to the complexity of its varied waste stream and evolving understanding of its impact on human health and the environment. 

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Hazardous Waste Generators: 3 Hazardous Waste Generators

Hazardous Waste Generators: 3 Hazardous Waste Generators

Businesses that generate hazardous waste must manage that waste based on their specific generator type. Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), US EPA identifies three hazardous waste generators: Large Quantity Generators (LQG), Small Quantity...

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Are You Properly Disposing PHI documents?

Are You Properly Disposing PHI documents?

In 1996, the US implemented the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) as a way to safeguard patient privacy and prevent unauthorized access to individually identifiable Health Information. Also known as the Privacy Rule, the main goal of HIPAA is...

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Can you Properly Identify Biomedical Waste?

Can you Properly Identify Biomedical Waste?

From cutting-edge medical research to crime scenes, biomedical waste goes hand-in-hand with most activities related to maintaining the health and safety of our communities. While the most common forms of biomedical waste can be found in hospitals and other healthcare...

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Overpriced Medical Waste Disposal & Cincinnati, Ohio, Doctors’ Offices

Overpriced Medical Waste Disposal & Cincinnati, Ohio, Doctors’ Offices

It can be difficult for any medical facility to determine whether they’re overpaying for their medical waste disposal. If your Cincinnati, Ohio, doctor’s office is wondering about this very thing, don’t worry! With a bit of research and legwork, there are some easy ways you can determine if you’re getting the best deal. Read on for tips and pointers about how to get started.  

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Does Your Georgia Doctor’s Office Have a Medical Waste Plan?

Does Your Georgia Doctor’s Office Have a Medical Waste Plan?

If a Georgia-based doctor’s office fails to have a thorough medical waste plan in place, that office is potentially putting itself at risk of being out of compliance with local, state, and federal laws. This makes that medical facility vulnerable to significant fines and other punitive consequences. If you run or manage a Georgia doctor’s office, make sure you have the right medical waste plan in place by following these important recommendations.  

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Georgia Pharmacies: How to Dispose of Expired Medication

Georgia Pharmacies: How to Dispose of Expired Medication

If you run a pharmacy within the state of Georgia, it’s critical you know all the steps necessary for proper pharmaceutical waste disposal. Failure to be fully compliant with local, state, and federal laws could result in massive fines, and any noncompliance could also present big environmental and safety concerns. The risks and consequences are high, so if you’re at all unsure about your Georgia pharmacy’s compliance, read on!  

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Georgia Doctors’ Offices—Good Medical Waste Management Plans

Georgia Doctors’ Offices—Good Medical Waste Management Plans

If you run a doctor’s office in the Georgia area, it’s imperative to ask yourself this question: Do we have a good medical waste management plan in place for 2017? If the answer is no, you could very likely end up spending more time, money, and resources than necessary. So, what do good waste management plans look like, and how can you go about getting the right one implemented in your doctor’s office?  

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What You Should Require in a Free Medical Waste Quote

What You Should Require in a Free Medical Waste Quote

If you are in need of medical waste removal, you are very likely looking into your local medical waste disposal companies to find the one that can help with your waste management. Like any industry, however, you never want to go with the first company you come across. Rather, you want to get several quotes to determine which company can offer the best value. As you’re assessing these quotes, there are five things to watch for.  

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