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Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

If you generate any hazardous materials in your line of work, it’s imperative you know your EPA generator status. Whether you’re a large quantity generator or a conditionally exempt small quantity generator dictates important aspects of how you store, transport, and report on your waste, and failure to comply with the regulations and laws that apply to your status could result in steep fines.  

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Hazardous Waste Disposal and Manufacturers: What You Need to Know

Hazardous Waste Disposal and Manufacturers: What You Need to Know

Proper hazardous waste disposal is incredibly important to any manufacturer. Especially as the laws regarding correct hazardous waste treatment become even stricter and more stringently enforced, failure to comply with these legal requirements will carry increasingly severe consequences. If you’re at all uncertain about the correct way to go about disposing of your hazardous waste, reach out to a reputable hazardous waste disposal company to get yourself educated and informed—and hopefully avoid those penalties.  

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Waste Management Requirements for Pharmaceutical Waste

Waste Management Requirements for Pharmaceutical Waste

Relatively new to the waste management arena, pharmaceutical waste presents a “new frontier” for hazardous waste collection and disposal. Most often generated by hospitals and pharmacies, pharmaceutical waste presents a unique set of challenges due to the complexity of its varied waste stream and evolving understanding of its impact on human health and the environment. 

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Beware of Cheap Hazardous Waste Removal Companies

Beware of Cheap Hazardous Waste Removal Companies

When you generate hazardous waste, you need to dispose of it properly – and that can be costly. It can be tempting to choose a lower price in order to keep your costs down. But the cheapest option isn’t always the best one, especially when you’re choosing a hazardous...

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Why Georgia Manufacturers Must Have a Waste Profile

Why Georgia Manufacturers Must Have a Waste Profile

Any manufacturer in the state of Georgia must ensure that all waste shipments are accompanied by the proper paperwork, and that includes a waste profile prior to shipment. What does this important piece of paperwork entail, though, and as a manufacturer in Georgia that generates waste streams, why does this profile matter?  

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Poor Lab Pack Disposal Services: The Impact on Your College

Poor Lab Pack Disposal Services: The Impact on Your College

There’s no denying that proper lab pack disposal is essential to any organization that must treat and remove their expired chemicals, but it’s particularly essential in a college or university setting. If your university or college has laboratories that require these services, poor lab packs could mean more than just improperly discarded chemicals; it could mean real safety hazards for your students and staff.  

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What Is a Hazardous Waste Management System for a College?

What Is a Hazardous Waste Management System for a College?

It is vital that every college has a researched, thorough, written hazardous waste management system in place for several key reasons. One, universities and colleges, whether they realize it or not, tend to generate a lot of hazardous material that needs to be properly disposed of. Two, failing to properly dispose of hazardous materials can lead to serious fines, and three, improper storage and disposal could pose health and safety risks—to the staff and students.   With so much on the line, what does your university need to do to ensure it has the right hazardous waste management system?  

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Best Steps to Dispose of Chemical Hazardous Waste at Universities

Best Steps to Dispose of Chemical Hazardous Waste at Universities

Chemical hazardous waste within a university setting needs to be properly disposed of. Not following the correct steps can quickly lead to unsafe situations (for students and staff) as well as fines for improper waste disposal. To avoid these negative consequences at your university, make sure the following steps are within your hazardous waste management plan.  

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Hazardous Waste Manifest and Bill of Lading—Different for Colleges?

Hazardous Waste Manifest and Bill of Lading—Different for Colleges?

Having the proper paperwork is an essential part of all hazardous waste disposal guidelines, and two important documents include the hazardous waste manifest and the bill of lading. What exactly are these documents, though, and are there special considerations that colleges need to take into account before shipping hazardous waste?  

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