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How does a hazardous waste profile differ?

How does a hazardous waste profile differ?

This blog begins by reviewing the requirements of a hazardous waste profile. Then, to the extent that they differ, it compares & contrasts a hazardous waste profile from its nonhazardous waste counterpart.

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What Is RCRA Waste?

What Is RCRA Waste?

No matter what industry you’re in, there are a variety of categories that relate to generated waste. It’s essential that you and your employees all understand these different categories because the type of waste you’re dealing with will dictate how that waste needs to be stored, containerized, transported, and treated before disposal. One particularly important category is RCRA hazardous waste.  

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Hazardous Waste—Have a Hazardous Waste Manifest or Bill of Lading

Hazardous Waste—Have a Hazardous Waste Manifest or Bill of Lading

If you’re in an industry where you generate waste, it’s imperative that you know exactly how to properly, legally, and safely deal with that waste, including shipping. Be aware of the terms “manifest” and “bill of lading.” You’ll need to know the differences, when they’re used, and how to properly complete the appropriate forms.

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Hazardous Waste Definition: What Atlanta, GA Companies Should Know

Hazardous Waste Definition: What Atlanta, GA Companies Should Know

If you run an Atlanta-based company that even potentially produces hazardous waste, it’s vitally important to understand what exactly goes into the hazardous waste definition. This knowledge helps ensure compliance with not only Georgia state laws, but those of the federal government. Both must be followed. Compliance regarding storage, shipment, treatment, and disposal also protects you and your company from fines and other unpleasant penalties.

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What Is a Lab Pack?

What Is a Lab Pack?

If you manage or work in a hospital, university, laboratory, or any manufacturing industry environment that uses small containers of chemicals and other potentially hazardous materials (thinners, solvents, paints, inks, etc.), it’s extremely important that you store, package, ship, and dispose of all that waste material properly. This is done with lab packs – but not necessarily limited to chemicals that comes strictly from a laboratory.

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Advantages of Using a Full-Service Waste Management Company

Advantages of Using a Full-Service Waste Management Company

If you work in the medical field or manufacturing industry, you likely generate waste that needs to be containerized, shipped, and transported according to strict regulations. Whether it’s biomedical waste (red bag waste) or hazardous materials, this waste can’t simply be dumped in the garbage or down the drain. If you do deal with this waste in your profession and you contact a waste management company to help handle its proper treatment, consider the benefits of working with a full-service outfit.  

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Waste Management Company Requirements to Pick up Dry Cleaning Waste

Waste Management Company Requirements to Pick up Dry Cleaning Waste

Within the hazardous waste management industry, dry cleaning is a very specialized, niche market. The waste generated in that business is deemed hazardous, though, and several federal bodies highly regulate its handling, shipping, and treatment. If you’re in the dry cleaning industry and you’re working with a waste management company, it’s your responsibility to ensure that company has undergone and received the proper training, permitting, and insurance to safely, legally, and effectively handle dry cleaning waste.

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Waste Disposal Tips—Creating a Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal Checklist

Waste Disposal Tips—Creating a Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal Checklist

Pharmaceutical waste disposal involves a lot of laws and just as many regulations. If you want your pharmacy to be fully compliant (and, therefore, minimize your chance of getting fined), you need to be organized and diligent about your waste management efforts. A checklist is one simple way to make sure you haven’t neglected any steps. With that in mind, the following is a brief overview of five line items that should appear on your pharmaceutical waste checklist.  

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Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

If you generate any hazardous materials in your line of work, it’s imperative you know your EPA generator status. Whether you’re a large quantity generator or a conditionally exempt small quantity generator dictates important aspects of how you store, transport, and report on your waste, and failure to comply with the regulations and laws that apply to your status could result in steep fines.  

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