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What Is a Hazardous Waste Profile and Non-Hazardous Waste Profile?

What Is a Hazardous Waste Profile and Non-Hazardous Waste Profile?

There are many steps required to legally and safely transport hazardous waste as well as any variety of non-hazardous waste. One of the most crucial steps in that process is properly filling out a waste profile. What exactly is this form, though, and why is it so important to this process of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal?  

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What Makes Dry Cleaning Waste Hazardous?

What Makes Dry Cleaning Waste Hazardous?

Dry cleaning waste can require hazardous waste disposal as a listed waste or a characteristic waste. And the amount of dry cleaning waste you generate in a month determines what size hazardous waste generator the EPA considers you to be: an LGQ, SQG, VSQG, or CESQG.

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How Pharmacies Should Dispose of Expired Medicine or Drugs

How Pharmacies Should Dispose of Expired Medicine or Drugs

One of the biggest benefits hazardous waste management companies can offer pharmacies is their expertise on expired medication disposal. Because it is so common for various medications to expire in a pharmacy and require proper disposal, every pharmacy should be fully up to date on the protocol for proper medication disposal (and the consequences for failing to follow that protocol).  

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Why Manufacturers Must Have a Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan

Why Manufacturers Must Have a Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan

If you’ve never heard of a hazardous waste contingency plan or you know your manufacturing facility’s version is woefully out of date, it’s extremely important to create or update this document with current regulations. Doing so is not only a matter of legality but ensures that your facility holds itself to the highest safety standards.

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Four Years Later: A Look At The EPA Hazardous Waste Generator Improvement Rule

Four Years Later: A Look At The EPA Hazardous Waste Generator Improvement Rule

The EPA Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule ostensibly created “more flexible and adaptable” regulations for hazardous waste management. But in many cases, those regulations are now stricter. As well, before making any changes to your hazardous waste management in reaction to the improvement rule, you must make sure that your state is one of the 35 that’s already adopted it.

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Does Your University Have Hazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines?

Does Your University Have Hazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines?

As generators of hazardous waste, it’s critical for universities to have written, documented hazardous waste disposal guidelines for their employees. These help ensure safety regulations are known throughout the university campus and not just certain rooms or buildings on a campus. Every department that has anything to do with hazardous materials should know and understand these laws. If your university is without such guidelines or documents, create one.

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How to Avoid Becoming a Large Quantity Generator

How to Avoid Becoming a Large Quantity Generator

If your facility produces any kind of hazardous waste, you need to be aware of your EPA generator status and how to legally avoid registering – and paying the fees of – a large quantity generator. The large quantity status also comes with plenty of additional regulations and paperwork to ensure compliance with federal and state laws. Taking certain steps can reduce your classification as a large quantity generator – saving you money, hassle, and paperwork.

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Why Does Drywall Require Hazardous Waste Disposal?

Why Does Drywall Require Hazardous Waste Disposal?

Hydrogen sulfide created by drywall gypsum when in proximity to other biodegradable materials is nauseating, toxic, and highly flammable. Approximately 26 billion square feet of drywall was sold in the U.S. last year, of which 10-to-12 percent becomes unusable waste from cutting & trimming to spec. That means 2.6-to-3.12 billion square feet of drywall waste needed to be discarded last year, all of it requiring hazardous waste disposal.

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Lab Pack Disposal: What Schools and Universities Need to Know

Lab Pack Disposal: What Schools and Universities Need to Know

Any school or university that has a laboratory (especially anything associated with a chemistry department) more often than not has expired samples and chemicals that need to be safely disposed via proper lab pack disposal. Improper disposal of any hazardous materials increase both security risks as well as compliance breaches, resulting in fines and penalties for the university or education facility.

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