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How Dry Cleaners Can Dispose of PERC Hazardous Waste and Hydrocarbons

How Dry Cleaners Can Dispose of PERC Hazardous Waste and Hydrocarbons

If you run a dry cleaning business, it’s essential that you are properly disposing of hazardous waste created through that dry cleaning process. This is important, of course, for environmental preservation and safety, and it also safeguards your business against fines or other costly penalties. This step-by-step process includes the identification, transportation, and disposal of perchloroethylene (PERC), hydrocarbons, and/or any other hazardous material or byproduct created through dry cleaning.  

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Waste Management Tips: Does Your Waste Contain RCRA Metals?

Waste Management Tips: Does Your Waste Contain RCRA Metals?

One of the most dangerous types of generated waste is hazardous material. Because hazardous materials are so potentially harmful to people and the environment, it’s incredibly important that you properly identify whether you have RCRA hazardous waste or not. One subcategory within this waste type is RCRA metals, and if you suspect there has been contamination of this kind, it’s imperative you run the necessary tests and follow the proper protocol.  

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How to Manage Hazardous Waste in College Academic Labs

How to Manage Hazardous Waste in College Academic Labs

Most universities and colleges, with their laboratories and medical facilities, have hazardous materials on site that need to be stored and disposed of properly. Failure to do so can result in massive fines and punitive actions being taken against the educational institution. Because proper management of these waste streams is so important, the following are some crucial things to keep in mind regarding how to manage hazardous waste within your academic setting.  

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Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal: Why Businesses Must Comply

Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal: Why Businesses Must Comply

If your business produces any hazardous or non-hazardous materials, you likely already know that you need to dispose all of it safely and legally. What types of businesses must comply with these laws? What constitutes hazardous rather than non-hazardous materials? Most importantly, why are all these regulations about hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal important to your business?

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How Do Businesses and Universities Dispose of My Hazardous Waste?

How Do Businesses and Universities Dispose of My Hazardous Waste?

Test If your university, company or facility generates hazardous waste, you need to do test everything in your power to avoid improper hazardous waste disposal. Take steps to make sure that all waste, and especially hazardous waste is disposed of properly and safely. This process involves numerous steps, knowledge of hazardous waste laws, and attention to details. If your business or university needs to dispose of hazardous waste, know that YOU are the responsible party throughout the waste transfer process, even after it has been transported off-site for disposal.

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What is considered Hazardous Waste in Retail Settings?

What is considered Hazardous Waste in Retail Settings?

If you’re the owner or manager of a moderately-sized retail store, you probably don’t consider yourself a RCRA hazardous waste generator. But in the eyes of the EPA, the chances are manifold that you are—and it’s their eyes that count, in a very big way.

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Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

If you generate any hazardous materials in your line of work, it’s imperative you know your EPA generator status. Whether you’re a large quantity generator or a conditionally exempt small quantity generator or in between, your status dictates important aspects of how you store, transport, and report on your waste. Failure to comply with federal and state regulations and laws that apply to your status could result in steep fines.

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South Carolina Hazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines

South Carolina Hazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines

The Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC) is the authority in South Carolina that regulates hazardous waste management, doing so in concurrence with the 1978 South Carolina Hazardous Waste Management Act.

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