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How to Avoid Becoming a Large Quantity Generator

How to Avoid Becoming a Large Quantity Generator

If your facility produces any kind of hazardous waste, you need to be aware of your EPA generator status and how to legally avoid registering – and paying the fees of – a large quantity generator. The large quantity status also comes with plenty of additional regulations and paperwork to ensure compliance with federal and state laws. Taking certain steps can reduce your classification as a large quantity generator – saving you money, hassle, and paperwork.

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How To Properly Dispose Of Laboratory Liquid Wastes

How To Properly Dispose Of Laboratory Liquid Wastes

Clinical and research laboratories often generate liquid wastes that are deemed RCRA hazardous across EPA categories. E.g., a laboratory liquid waste might be a listed or reactive chemical, a biological waste, or a regulated medical waste. This entry is intended as a comprehensive introduction to laboratory liquid waste management.

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Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal in Georgia: A Detailed Overview

Non-Hazardous Waste Disposal in Georgia: A Detailed Overview

If your Georgia site produces non-hazardous waste, it’s important to ensure you know all the rules that govern its storage, transport, and disposal. It’s equally important to consider working with a local waste management company to ensure compliance. Doing so reduces the risk of huge fines and penalties for improper waste disposal processes.

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Why Does Drywall Require Hazardous Waste Disposal?

Why Does Drywall Require Hazardous Waste Disposal?

Hydrogen sulfide created by drywall gypsum when in proximity to other biodegradable materials is nauseating, toxic, and highly flammable. Approximately 26 billion square feet of drywall was sold in the U.S. last year, of which 10-to-12 percent becomes unusable waste from cutting & trimming to spec. That means 2.6-to-3.12 billion square feet of drywall waste needed to be discarded last year, all of it requiring hazardous waste disposal.

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Lab Pack Disposal: What Schools and Universities Need to Know

Lab Pack Disposal: What Schools and Universities Need to Know

Any school or university that has a laboratory (especially anything associated with a chemistry department) more often than not has expired samples and chemicals that need to be safely disposed via proper lab pack disposal. Improper disposal of any hazardous materials increase both security risks as well as compliance breaches, resulting in fines and penalties for the university or education facility.

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How to Safely Dispose of Toxic Waste

How to Safely Dispose of Toxic Waste

It’s easy to be considered a toxic-waste generator in the eyes of RCRA. E.g., the moment you open a can of solvent and use it, you’ve joined the club. You might only produce a single quart of toxic waste weekly, but the improper disposal of even such a miniscule amount can put you in violation of RCRA.

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Medical Document Destruction Cost: The Numbers Might Shock You

Medical Document Destruction Cost: The Numbers Might Shock You

Medical document shredding is an important consideration for any medical facility. Not only does it protect a patient’s private information, but it also keeps you in compliance with all HIPAA OSHA requirements. As with many OSHA requirements, being in full compliance can save you from fines and other punitive actions against your facility.

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Lead-Paint Waste Disposal Rules and Guidelines

Lead-Paint Waste Disposal Rules and Guidelines

Chances are a building contains lead paint if it was built prior to 1978. That’s 40+ years ago. And since older buildings are the logical targets of renovation & demolition, lead-paint disposal is a significant tactical challenge to contractors, remodelers, renovators, etc.

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The Basics of Hand-Sanitizer Waste Disposal

The Basics of Hand-Sanitizer Waste Disposal

People and places everywhere have been purchasing unprecedented amounts of hand sanitizer in accordance with recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). And so our country is awash in hand sanitizer, which is a hazardous waste, thus creating a problem that can only be solved with knowledgeable hazardous waste disposal.

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How Do I Know If I Have Hazardous Waste or Non-Hazardous Waste?

How Do I Know If I Have Hazardous Waste or Non-Hazardous Waste?

The type of waste you generate (whether hazardous or non-hazardous) directly impacts handling, transport and disposal requirements. Because the rules vary according to the waste type (and because the generator of the waste is always liable for that waste), your very first step in any hazardous waste management plan should be determining the type of waste you have.

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