If your company generates hazardous waste, then you know how difficult it can be to handle and dispose of it.

Hazardous waste is dangerous to anyone who is exposed to it. It can also damage the environment. Because of this, there are many regulations covering how your company must handle this waste.

Unfortunately, these regulations are often confusing and difficult to keep up with. But your business doesn’t need to deal with this issue alone. By working with a turnkey hazardous waste consultant who is familiar with current regulations, you can take many of the headaches and stressors of waste disposal off of your plate and into the hands of an experienced expert in the field.

01   /  Is Your Waste Disposal Service Doing All They Could For You?

Not all waste handling companies are created equal and bigger doesn’t generally mean better service. It’s important to choose a waste vendor that doesn’t treat your business as just another contract number. MCF Environmental prides itself on being a large handler that operates like a small, personal business. Although we boast over ten thousand customers, we approach each as an individual with unique waste needs. That allows us to provide the consultative support that customers have come to depend on. In addition to picking up waste and delivering it to the appropriate facilities, our waste services also include the identification of hazardous wastes, creation and submission of profiles for approval and the generation of waste manifests. 

If you’ve ever been referred to a waste vendor’s website to do all of this work yourself, you know how time consuming and complex it can be. So having an expert by your side who takes the time and care to tackle these tasks can be a game changer to any waste generating business.  

There are many benefits to working with the right, full-service hazardous waste vendor. Understanding how your business can benefit will help you make the most appropriate choice for your business. 

02   /   Legal Compliance

One of the biggest benefits of working with a hazardous waste vendor who also provides consultant services ensures your company is complying with all relevant laws. This keeps your business safe and free from having to pay any fines or penalties for violating regulations. Although your company could keep track of the laws and comply with them, this can be very difficult and time-consuming, and mistakes are easy to make. 

There are so many laws to keep track of, including federal, state, and local government regulations, which can all change without notice. By working with a hazardous waste management company who takes the time to understand your business, you can safeguard against any mistakes or oversights in your waste compliance process. MCF is dedicated to being experts when it comes to the leading waste generating industries, such as industrial, manufacturing, and medical. This means we’re always up-to-date on the latest requirements and will handle your waste appropriately. 

03   /   Cost Savings

Some waste vendors use a one-size fits all approach that can keep costs high and leave you without room for customization. At MCF, we believe you shouldn’t be locked into contracts that don’t fit your business. That’s why we start with providing a straightforward onboarding process to create a custom service proposal. We believe taking this extra care to make sure you’re fully protected but not paying for services you don’t need builds trust with our customers.  

One unnecessary cost businesses often incur is having to contract with multiple vendors to cover all their waste streams. MCF provides comprehensive waste disposal, which can provide multiple benefits including cost savings and a more streamlined approach when working with a single vendor for all of your needs.

04   /   Business Safety and Security

Do you know where your waste goes once it leaves your facility? Do you know whether the company you’ve contracted with has outsourced any of its steps to subcontractors? Such behaviors could open your business up to liability to repercussions. Many waste items come with “cradle to grave” responsibility, meaning your business is held responsible until the waste meets its final resting place. This makes it all the more important to secure full transparency and trust your waste vendor with every step of the disposal process. 

That’s why MCF makes certain to provide our customers with the most secure process, managing each step from start to finish. This includes using our own fleet, treatment facilities and customer support to secure end-to-end satisfaction and security. Our compliance experts specialize in keeping customers protected with guidance and turnkey services that take the worry out of waste handling.

05   /   Choosing the Right Hazardous Waste Management Company

As you can see, not all waste management companies offer the same level of service. With the complexities of waste and the high stakes surrounding it, it’s helpful to know that with MCF Environmental, you don’t need to choose between security and service. Some waste management companies will leave you on your own to figure out complicated paperwork and the services you need. But MCF looks at waste management as a partnership, so we’re there with you every step of the way, from initial audit to final disposal. If you’re looking for a turnkey waste management solution that handles all parts of the waste disposal process, reach out to the waste experts at MCF Environmental. We can provide a customized plan tailored to your unique needs and walk you through the entire process with transparency and efficiency.

Robert Losurdo

President, COO

