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What Does Cradle-to-Grave Responsibility Really Mean?

What Does Cradle-to-Grave Responsibility Really Mean?

Cradle-to-grave responsibility is often discussed in terms of waste disposal, but can sometimes be misinterpreted. Businesses and organizations looking to limit their liability and guarantee compliance with their waste disposal strategy may look into “cradle-to-grave” disposal options – but what does that really mean for accomplishing their goals?

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Ohio Hazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines

Ohio Hazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines

Hazardous waste disposal rules are always in flux. Individual states occasionally need to modify theirs to be consistent with and no less stringent than their EPA federal counterparts. And so we occasionally focus on an individual state—this time Ohio.

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What is considered Hazardous Waste in Retail Settings?

What is considered Hazardous Waste in Retail Settings?

If you’re the owner or manager of a moderately-sized retail store, you probably don’t consider yourself a RCRA hazardous waste generator. But in the eyes of the EPA, the chances are manifold that you are—and it’s their eyes that count, in a very big way.

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Best Practices For Waste Disposal in Retail Settings

Best Practices For Waste Disposal in Retail Settings

Hazardous waste management isn’t only a problem for industry and manufacturing. Whole Foods, Walmart, and Macy’s are prototypical business-to-consumer enterprises. Hazardous waste disposal was likely a non-issue for their managers…until suddenly it was.

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