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An Overview of Electronic Waste Disposal

An Overview of Electronic Waste Disposal

Electronics have become endemic to all business and industry. As these devices reach their ends of life, e-waste has exploded into a worldwide environmental issue, becoming the most common universal waste that owners and managers must contend with.

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How and Why Dental Waste is Hazardous Waste

How and Why Dental Waste is Hazardous Waste

If you’re a dentist—or the manager of a dental clinic—it’s understandable if you’ve never heard of something called a “conditionally exempt small quantity generator” (CESQG). But in the eyes of the EPA, that’s very likely you—and what you’re generating is nothing less than hazardous waste.

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What Makes Dry Cleaning Waste Hazardous?

What Makes Dry Cleaning Waste Hazardous?

Dry cleaning waste can require hazardous waste disposal as a listed waste or a characteristic waste. And the amount of dry cleaning waste you generate in a month determines what size hazardous waste generator the EPA considers you to be: an LGQ, SQG, VSQG, or CESQG.

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What Is HIPAA, and Why Is It Vital to the Health-Care Industry?

What Is HIPAA, and Why Is It Vital to the Health-Care Industry?

HIPAA is a term that’s used quite often in the health-care industry, but not everybody realizes exactly what it is or why it is such a necessary and important factor for any medical facility or healthcare practice. The following is a brief overview of what exactly HIPAA is and why it should matter to all healthcare professionals, from doctors and nurses to management and administration.

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Why Manufacturers Must Have a Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan

Why Manufacturers Must Have a Hazardous Waste Contingency Plan

If you’ve never heard of a hazardous waste contingency plan or you know your manufacturing facility’s version is woefully out of date, it’s extremely important to create or update this document with current regulations. Doing so is not only a matter of legality but ensures that your facility holds itself to the highest safety standards.

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Four Years Later: A Look At The EPA Hazardous Waste Generator Improvement Rule

Four Years Later: A Look At The EPA Hazardous Waste Generator Improvement Rule

The EPA Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule ostensibly created “more flexible and adaptable” regulations for hazardous waste management. But in many cases, those regulations are now stricter. As well, before making any changes to your hazardous waste management in reaction to the improvement rule, you must make sure that your state is one of the 35 that’s already adopted it.

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Are You on Top of OSHA Compliance Requirements?

Are You on Top of OSHA Compliance Requirements?

When it comes to regulating waste, it’s not just the EPA. OSHA develops and enforces mandatory occupational health and safety requirements across more than six million US workplaces. If you handle hazardous waste—and especially regulated medical waste—your enterprise is certainly among them.

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