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How Do Businesses and Universities Dispose of My Hazardous Waste?

How Do Businesses and Universities Dispose of My Hazardous Waste?

Test If your university, company or facility generates hazardous waste, you need to do test everything in your power to avoid improper hazardous waste disposal. Take steps to make sure that all waste, and especially hazardous waste is disposed of properly and safely. This process involves numerous steps, knowledge of hazardous waste laws, and attention to details. If your business or university needs to dispose of hazardous waste, know that YOU are the responsible party throughout the waste transfer process, even after it has been transported off-site for disposal.

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Are Emergency Response Numbers Required on Hazardous Waste Manifests?

Are Emergency Response Numbers Required on Hazardous Waste Manifests?

One of the most important aspects of handling, transporting, and properly disposing of hazardous waste is obviously safety. Preparation for potential emergencies needs to be in place in case something unexpected happens during transport, especially in regard to hazardous waste. One such security measure is the inclusion of emergency response numbers on the hazardous waste manifest.

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Can I Ship My Expired Medications to a Reverse Distributor?

Can I Ship My Expired Medications to a Reverse Distributor?

Be aware of the regulations regarding disposal of medications, whether they’re expired or not. Strict regulations that govern how you can dispose of expired medications are in place, both on federal and state levels. Don’t put your facility at risk due to improper or unsafe medication disposal processes. One particular area of confusion relates to shipping expired medications to a reverse distributor.

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6 Questions Colleges Should Ask Hazardous Waste Management Companies

6 Questions Colleges Should Ask Hazardous Waste Management Companies

While most colleges don’t typically consider themselves to be large generators of hazardous material, they do often generate it. Whether your college is dealing with chemicals associated with the aquatic center or fertilizer from the ground’s keepers, colleges produce hazardous waste that needs to be specially dealt with.

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How to Choose the Proper Hazardous Waste Container

How to Choose the Proper Hazardous Waste Container

Hazardous waste removal processes involve numerous steps. One of the most crucial is how to select a proper and compliant hazardous waste container. This is not a one-size-fits-all process, as the right container for the job depends on factors that include the type of waste, its weight or volume, and its components.

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Ten Key Questions To Ask When Choosing a Waste Disposal Provider

Ten Key Questions To Ask When Choosing a Waste Disposal Provider

When it comes to finding the right waste management partner, you need to be able to ask the right questions. This blog entry reviews the fundamentals of hazardous waste management to inform a list of basic questions you should ask a prospective waste disposal provider to ensure you get the service you need.

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Hazardous Waste Disposal Costs—What to Know about Transportation Fees

Hazardous Waste Disposal Costs—What to Know about Transportation Fees

Knowing what you need to pay for proper hazardous waste disposal can seem confusing, but hazardous waste disposal costs don’t need to be a mystery. With a little bit of research and the right tactics, you can learn and master everything you need to know about transportation fees and anything else associated with hazardous waste management pricing.  

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What Is a Hazardous Waste Profile and Non-Hazardous Waste Profile?

What Is a Hazardous Waste Profile and Non-Hazardous Waste Profile?

There are many steps required to legally and safely transport hazardous waste as well as any variety of non-hazardous waste. One of the most crucial steps in that process is properly filling out a waste profile. What exactly is this form, though, and why is it so important to this process of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal?  

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What You Need to Know about Hazardous Waste Management in Georgia

What You Need to Know about Hazardous Waste Management in Georgia

If you run a manufacturing plant or otherwise generate hazardous waste from a healthcare facility or local business in Georgia, it is imperative you know how to properly dispose of this waste appropriate. As Georgia locals, let our experts at MCF help you navigate requirements specific to the hazardous waste types your facility is generating.

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Make Sure You Put Your Sharps in a Puncture-Resistant Sharps Container

Make Sure You Put Your Sharps in a Puncture-Resistant Sharps Container

Without correct protocols and education, the medical field can be a dangerous place. This is especially true when it comes to the handling and disposal of syringes, needles, or scalpels, otherwise known as “sharps.” In addition to mindful handling during use, one extremely important step for the safety of everyone involved is safe and compliant sharps disposal.

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