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Dry Cleaner Waste Disposal: PERC, DF-2000, and Filters Explained

Dry Cleaner Waste Disposal: PERC, DF-2000, and Filters Explained

Running a dry cleaning business involves more than just delivering spotless clothes to customers. A major part of keeping your business safe lies in your ability to properly manage the hazardous waste generated in the cleaning process. Solvents like PERC (perchloroethylene), DF-2000, and spent filters contain chemicals that, if improperly disposed of, can lead to serious environmental and regulatory consequences. 

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Hospital Waste Management Best Practices

Hospital Waste Management Best Practices

Medical waste management entails so many rules and protocols you must follow, and under that umbrella, hospital waste management is certainly no exception. Creating and following a best practices plan for your hospital waste management helps to ensure that you remain in compliance with hospital-specific regulations of your locality, state, and the federal government.

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Virginia Hazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines

Virginia Hazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines

In Virginia, if a private business, government agency, or some other enterprise determines that it generates hazardous waste, it is responsible for managing such waste from “cradle to grave,” meaning from its initial generation until its ultimate disposal.

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Waste Management Tips: Does Your Waste Contain RCRA Metals?

Waste Management Tips: Does Your Waste Contain RCRA Metals?

One of the most dangerous types of generated waste is hazardous material. Because hazardous materials are so potentially harmful to people and the environment, it’s incredibly important that you properly identify whether you have RCRA hazardous waste or not. One subcategory within this waste type is RCRA metals, and if you suspect there has been contamination of this kind, it’s imperative you run the necessary tests and follow the proper protocol.  

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Can I Ship My Expired Medications to a Reverse Distributor?

Can I Ship My Expired Medications to a Reverse Distributor?

Be aware of the regulations regarding disposal of medications, whether they’re expired or not. Strict regulations that govern how you can dispose of expired medications are in place, both on federal and state levels. Don’t put your facility at risk due to improper or unsafe medication disposal processes. One particular area of confusion relates to shipping expired medications to a reverse distributor.

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Hazardous Waste Violations: Beware! EPA Fines Have Increased

Hazardous Waste Violations: Beware! EPA Fines Have Increased

If you generate hazardous waste in your industry, you already know you can be subject to fines for non-compliant hazardous waste disposal. The law is clear on that. If you’re not aware of the heavy costs of fines and penalties for improper hazardous waste disposal, regardless of industry, you should be.

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How to Safely Dispose of Toxic Waste

How to Safely Dispose of Toxic Waste

It’s easy to be considered a toxic-waste generator in the eyes of RCRA. E.g., the moment you open a can of solvent and use it, you’ve joined the club. You might only produce a single quart of toxic waste weekly, but the improper disposal of even such a miniscule amount can put you in violation of RCRA.

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