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Can OSHA Fine Doctors’ Offices for Not Being in OSHA Compliance?

Can OSHA Fine Doctors’ Offices for Not Being in OSHA Compliance?

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is a federal agency that deals with the enforcement of safety and health-related issues within the workplace. When a doctor’s office is found to not be in compliance with the regulations established by OSHA, it is absolutely within OSHA’s powers to levy fines against that doctor’s office. Repeated noncompliance can also lead to OSHA enforcing even stricter fines or more dire consequences.

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Doctors’ Offices and Hospitals Require Yearly OSHA Compliance Training

Doctors’ Offices and Hospitals Require Yearly OSHA Compliance Training

It’s imperative that doctors’ offices and hospitals know how to deal with dangerous substances and biohazardous waste as well as react in dangerous situations. It’s so important that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has laid out legal regulations and rules related to issues such as bloodborne pathogens, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance, hazard communication (hazcom) plans, and more. OSHA requires ongoing training in these categories, and not being up to date on this not only puts your facility in financial risk of fines, but it puts your employees and those you serve at risk of becoming hurt or ill.  

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Do I Need to Pay Monthly Service Billing for My Medical Waste Pick Up?

Do I Need to Pay Monthly Service Billing for My Medical Waste Pick Up?

In the world of biomedical waste pick up, many people are becoming wary of monthly service charges. However, the problematic issue does not lie with a monthly service charge itself. It’s the combination of being locked into medical waste contracts and being charged exorbitant monthly fees. With that in mind, medical facilities and doctors’ offices don’t necessarily need to avoid monthly fees. They just need to ensure those monthly fees meet certain requirements.  

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