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How Do Businesses and Universities Dispose of My Hazardous Waste?

How Do Businesses and Universities Dispose of My Hazardous Waste?

Test If your university, company or facility generates hazardous waste, you need to do test everything in your power to avoid improper hazardous waste disposal. Take steps to make sure that all waste, and especially hazardous waste is disposed of properly and safely. This process involves numerous steps, knowledge of hazardous waste laws, and attention to details. If your business or university needs to dispose of hazardous waste, know that YOU are the responsible party throughout the waste transfer process, even after it has been transported off-site for disposal.

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How Do I Know If I Have Hazardous Waste or Non-Hazardous Waste?

How Do I Know If I Have Hazardous Waste or Non-Hazardous Waste?

The type of waste you generate (whether hazardous or non-hazardous) directly impacts handling, transport and disposal requirements. Because the rules vary according to the waste type (and because the generator of the waste is always liable for that waste), your very first step in any hazardous waste management plan should be determining the type of waste you have.

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What Is RCRA Hazardous Waste?

What Is RCRA Hazardous Waste?

No matter what industry you’re in, there are a variety of categories that relate to generated waste. It’s essential that you and your employees all understand these different categories because the type of waste you’re dealing with will dictate how that waste needs to be stored, containerized, transported, and treated before disposal. One particularly important category is RCRA hazardous waste.  

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Hazardous Waste Disposal and Manufacturers: What You Need to Know

Hazardous Waste Disposal and Manufacturers: What You Need to Know

Proper hazardous waste disposal is incredibly important to any manufacturer. Especially as the laws regarding correct hazardous waste treatment become even stricter and more stringently enforced, failure to comply with these legal requirements will carry increasingly severe consequences. If you’re at all uncertain about the correct way to go about disposing of your hazardous waste, reach out to a reputable hazardous waste disposal company to get yourself educated and informed—and hopefully avoid those penalties.  

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Hazardous Waste Disposal and Manufacturers: What You Need to Know

Hazardous Waste Disposal and Manufacturers: What You Need to Know

Proper hazardous waste disposal is incredibly important to any manufacturer. Especially as the laws regarding correct hazardous waste treatment become even stricter and more stringently enforced, failure to comply with these legal requirements will carry increasingly severe consequences. If you’re at all uncertain about the correct way to go about disposing of your hazardous waste, reach out to a reputable hazardous waste disposal company to get yourself educated and informed—and hopefully avoid those penalties.  

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What Is the RCRA Law, and How Does It Affect My Georgia Company?

What Is the RCRA Law, and How Does It Affect My Georgia Company?

Hazardous waste is one of the most highly regulated waste streams, and if you even think your Georgia-based company is generating any, it’s imperative you’re familiar with the RCRA law. Compliance is federally mandated, and being unaware or uninformed about RCRA regulations is never a viable legal excuse for not properly disposing of any hazardous waste you generate. To avoid fines, other penalties, and putting anyone (or anything) in contact with that waste in jeopardy, make sure you’re fully versed in RCRA and how it applies to your Georgia company.  

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