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Hazardous Waste—Have a Hazardous Waste Manifest or Bill of Lading

Hazardous Waste—Have a Hazardous Waste Manifest or Bill of Lading

If you’re in an industry where you generate waste, it’s imperative that you know exactly how to properly, legally, and safely deal with that waste, including shipping. Be aware of the terms “manifest” and “bill of lading.” You’ll need to know the differences, when they’re used, and how to properly complete the appropriate forms.

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How Hazardous Waste Compliance is Monitored

How Hazardous Waste Compliance is Monitored

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) covers basic management standards for hazardous waste generators. Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), includes hazardous waste collection, treatment, and transportation guidelines. The RCRA establishes proper hazardous waste management, with the goal of protecting human health and the environment while also curtailing intrusive or adverse impacts on daily businesses operations. 

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Complying with Hazardous Waste Regulations

Complying with Hazardous Waste Regulations

The number of industries generating hazardous waste covers everything from large manufacturing facilities to small “mom-and-pop” businesses, but regardless of size, every hazardous waste generator must comply with the US Environmental Protection Agency’s regulatory guidelines, as well as any other federal, state, or local laws. Failure to comply with the relevant statutes and guidelines could result in penalties, fines, and other legal liabilities.  

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