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Does Your College Have a Lab Pack and Hazardous Waste Management Plan?

Does Your College Have a Lab Pack and Hazardous Waste Management Plan?

If your college or university has a laboratory, maintenance department, or both, it’s very likely you have hazardous materials that need to be stored, packaged, shipped, and disposed of properly. In that case, it’s imperative you have the proper hazardous waste management plan in place. This will help ensure the safety of your employees and the safety of anyone or anything that comes in contact with your waste. As added incentive, it will also help your college avoid fines for improper hazardous waste disposal.  

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Hazardous Waste Management Plan for Your School: 4 Important Steps

Hazardous Waste Management Plan for Your School: 4 Important Steps

If you are in charge of your university or school’s hazardous waste stream, it’s incredibly important you have a sound and legally compliant hazardous waste management plan. Depending on the severity of the offense, noncompliance brings with it any number of unpleasant consequences, from fines to loss of university accreditation to legal action. With that in mind, the following provides an overview of the steps involved in creating and following a fully compliant plan.  

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