Waste Regulations
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How Do I Know If I Have Hazardous Waste or Non-Hazardous Waste?

How Do I Know If I Have Hazardous Waste or Non-Hazardous Waste?

The type of waste you generate (whether hazardous or non-hazardous) directly impacts handling, transport and disposal requirements. Because the rules vary according to the waste type (and because the generator of the waste is always liable for that waste), your very first step in any hazardous waste management plan should be determining the type of waste you have.

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What You Need to Know about Hazardous Waste Management in Georgia

What You Need to Know about Hazardous Waste Management in Georgia

If you run a manufacturing plant or otherwise generate hazardous waste from a healthcare facility or local business in Georgia, it is imperative you know how to properly dispose of this waste appropriate. As Georgia locals, let our experts at MCF help you navigate requirements specific to the hazardous waste types your facility is generating.

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What Is RCRA Waste?

What Is RCRA Waste?

No matter what industry you’re in, there are a variety of categories that relate to generated waste. It’s essential that you and your employees all understand these different categories because the type of waste you’re dealing with will dictate how that waste needs to be stored, containerized, transported, and treated before disposal. One particularly important category is RCRA hazardous waste.  

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Is your Industrial Hazardous Waste Management Putting you at risk?

Is your Industrial Hazardous Waste Management Putting you at risk?

As they tend to come from various state and federal bureaucracies at haphazard intervals, environmental regulations are plentiful, evolving, and challenging to track. Ignoring or misunderstanding them can subject you to daily fines in the tens of thousands—and even criminal consequences. This blog explains some of the hows & whys.

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Hazardous Waste—Have a Hazardous Waste Manifest or Bill of Lading

Hazardous Waste—Have a Hazardous Waste Manifest or Bill of Lading

When it comes to hazardous waste, it’s pivotal that you know exactly what paperwork is required for you to properly and safely dispose of that waste. If you’re not completely familiar with both hazardous waste manifests and bills of lading, you could be filling out your paperwork incorrectly—and that leaves you vulnerable to fines and other punitive actions against your institution.  

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Important Steps to Prepare for a RCRA Hazardous Waste Audit

Important Steps to Prepare for a RCRA Hazardous Waste Audit

Being prepared for a hazardous waste audit should always be on a company’s mind. After all, if you’re always prepared and performing all aspects of your hazardous waste management properly, there will be far less to worry about if and when these audits happen. If you’re not prepared, though, you are much more liable to pay fines and face other punitive actions for every violation found. What do you need to do, therefore, to be as prepared as possible?  

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RCRA Regulations: What Your Waste Management Company Should Know

RCRA Regulations: What Your Waste Management Company Should Know

RCRA regulations are a complex area within hazardous waste management, so it’s vitally important you’re working with a waste management company that has a thorough understanding of the intricacies of those laws. If you’re at all confused by current RCRA law, use the following as a general guide to brush up on the basics of what you need to know.  

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Atlanta Hazardous Waste: Important Tips for Disposing of RCRA Metals

Atlanta Hazardous Waste: Important Tips for Disposing of RCRA Metals

When people think of hazardous waste, they often imagine large containers bubbling over with oozing, neon sludge, but hazardous waste actually comes in many different forms and categories. One such lesser-known category is RCRA metals. There are eight of them, and if you suspect your Atlanta business, manufacturing plant, or property has this kind of contamination, you will need to get in contact with a reputable local hazardous waste management company to correctly identify and then subsequently deal with that issue.

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What Is the RCRA Law, and How Does It Affect My Georgia Company?

What Is the RCRA Law, and How Does It Affect My Georgia Company?

Hazardous waste is one of the most highly regulated waste streams, and if you even think your Georgia-based company is generating any, it’s imperative you’re familiar with the RCRA law. Compliance is federally mandated, and being unaware or uninformed about RCRA regulations is never a viable legal excuse for not properly disposing of any hazardous waste you generate. To avoid fines, other penalties, and putting anyone (or anything) in contact with that waste in jeopardy, make sure you’re fully versed in RCRA and how it applies to your Georgia company.  

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