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Can I Ship My Expired Medications to a Reverse Distributor?

Can I Ship My Expired Medications to a Reverse Distributor?

Be aware of the regulations regarding disposal of medications, whether they’re expired or not. Strict regulations that govern how you can dispose of expired medications are in place, both on federal and state levels. Don’t put your facility at risk due to improper or unsafe medication disposal processes. One particular area of confusion relates to shipping expired medications to a reverse distributor.

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Manage Pharmaceutical Waste—4-Step Blueprint for Healthcare Facilities

Manage Pharmaceutical Waste—4-Step Blueprint for Healthcare Facilities

Pharmaceutical waste is one waste stream that has historically not been dealt with in the proper manner. Various healthcare facilities have been lax about proper disposal, but regulations (and fines) are only going to get more stringent. It’s important, therefore, that every healthcare facility has a clear, outlined step-by-step plan in place for proper pharmacy waste disposal.  

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Waste Disposal Tips—Creating a Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal Checklist

Waste Disposal Tips—Creating a Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal Checklist

Pharmaceutical waste disposal involves a lot of laws and just as many regulations. If you want your pharmacy to be fully compliant (and, therefore, minimize your chance of getting fined), you need to be organized and diligent about your waste management efforts. A checklist is one simple way to make sure you haven’t neglected any steps. With that in mind, the following is a brief overview of five line items that should appear on your pharmaceutical waste checklist.  

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Pharmacies: How to Dispose of Expired Medication

Pharmacies: How to Dispose of Expired Medication

If you run a pharmacy, it’s critical you know all the steps necessary for proper pharmaceutical waste disposal. Failure to be fully compliant with local, state, and federal laws could result in massive fines, and any noncompliance could also present big environmental and safety concerns. The risks and consequences are high, so if you’re at all unsure about your Georgia pharmacy’s compliance, read on!  

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Georgia Pharmacies: How to Dispose of Expired Medication

Georgia Pharmacies: How to Dispose of Expired Medication

If you run a pharmacy within the state of Georgia, it’s critical you know all the steps necessary for proper pharmaceutical waste disposal. Failure to be fully compliant with local, state, and federal laws could result in massive fines, and any noncompliance could also present big environmental and safety concerns. The risks and consequences are high, so if you’re at all unsure about your Georgia pharmacy’s compliance, read on!  

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Manage Pharmaceutical Waste—4-Step Blueprint for Healthcare Facilities

Manage Pharmaceutical Waste—4-Step Blueprint for Healthcare Facilities

Pharmaceutical waste is one waste stream that has historically not been dealt with in the proper manner. Various healthcare facilities have been lax about proper disposal, but regulations (and fines) are only going to get more stringent. It’s important, therefore, that every healthcare facility has a clear, outlined step-by-step plan in place for proper pharmacy waste disposal.  

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Build an Effective Hazardous Waste Disposal Program for Pharmacies

Build an Effective Hazardous Waste Disposal Program for Pharmacies

Pharmacies produce a variety of waste types, and it’s imperative that they give forethought and planning to their hazardous waste disposal programs. Without that careful thought and consideration, pharmacies could find themselves out of compliance with federal and state laws, which brings with it a laundry list of potential consequences. The best course of action, therefore, is to thoroughly learn what’s required of you as a pharmacy and then reach out to reputable, experienced hazardous waste disposal companies to take care of those waste management needs.  

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Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal: Is Your Georgia Pharmacy Compliant?

Pharmaceutical Waste Disposal: Is Your Georgia Pharmacy Compliant?

Proper pharmaceutical waste disposal is an involved process that affects every Georgia pharmacy. If you have any doubt your pharmacy is fully compliant with all laws pertaining to expired medicine and proper disposal from your site, then you need to read on! Being out of compliance can mean you must combat significant fines or even harsher actions against your Georgia-based pharmacy.  

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