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Why OSHA Online Training Is So Beneficial

Why OSHA Online Training Is So Beneficial

Anyone in the medical field knows that full OSHA compliance training is required, but fewer people know that OSHA online training can make that process a lot more seamless and convenient. If you operate, manage, or work at a medical facility that requires OSHA trainings every year, consider the wide range of benefits that come with implementing the online training course.  

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OSHA Compliance Training for Atlanta, Georgia, Doctors’ Offices

OSHA Compliance Training for Atlanta, Georgia, Doctors’ Offices

Keeping your Atlanta, Georgia, doctor’s office in full compliance with all relevant laws and regulations can be difficult, but one such regulation that you’re probably quite familiar with relates to OSHA compliance training. However, if you’re at all confused by what OSHA requires or what your office needs to implement to be compliant, read on!  

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Doctors’ Offices and Hospitals Require Yearly OSHA Compliance Training

Doctors’ Offices and Hospitals Require Yearly OSHA Compliance Training

It’s imperative that doctors’ offices and hospitals know how to deal with dangerous substances and biohazardous waste as well as react in dangerous situations. It’s so important that the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has laid out legal regulations and rules related to issues such as bloodborne pathogens, Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance, hazard communication (hazcom) plans, and more. OSHA requires ongoing training in these categories, and not being up to date on this not only puts your facility in financial risk of fines, but it puts your employees and those you serve at risk of becoming hurt or ill.  

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