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Virginia Hazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines

Virginia Hazardous Waste Disposal Guidelines

In Virginia, if a private business, government agency, or some other enterprise determines that it generates hazardous waste, it is responsible for managing such waste from “cradle to grave,” meaning from its initial generation until its ultimate disposal.

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Do I Need a Generator’s EPA Identification Number?

Do I Need a Generator’s EPA Identification Number?

The waste management industry is highly regulated, but it’s also subject to both state and federal laws. This can make pinning down how to legally and safely deal with your waste a complicated, confusing process. Working with an experienced and knowledgeable waste management company who can address some of these questions is one way to minimize that confusion. One such common source of uncertainty that these companies frequently get asked about is whether a business requires a generator’s EPA identification number.  

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Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

If you generate any hazardous materials in your line of work, it’s imperative you know your EPA generator status. Whether you’re a large quantity generator or a conditionally exempt small quantity generator or in between, your status dictates important aspects of how you store, transport, and report on your waste. Failure to comply with federal and state regulations and laws that apply to your status could result in steep fines.

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Hazardous Waste Violations: Beware! EPA Fines Have Increased

Hazardous Waste Violations: Beware! EPA Fines Have Increased

If you generate hazardous waste in your industry, you already know you can be subject to fines for non-compliant hazardous waste disposal. The law is clear on that. If you’re not aware of the heavy costs of fines and penalties for improper hazardous waste disposal, regardless of industry, you should be.

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An Overview of Electronic Waste Disposal

An Overview of Electronic Waste Disposal

Electronics have become endemic to all business and industry. As these devices reach their ends of life, e-waste has exploded into a worldwide environmental issue, becoming the most common universal waste that owners and managers must contend with.

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What Is a Hazardous Waste Profile and Non-Hazardous Waste Profile?

What Is a Hazardous Waste Profile and Non-Hazardous Waste Profile?

There are many steps required to legally and safely transport hazardous waste as well as any variety of non-hazardous waste. One of the most crucial steps in that process is properly filling out a waste profile. What exactly is this form, though, and why is it so important to this process of both hazardous and non-hazardous waste disposal?  

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What Is an EPA Hazardous Waste Code?

What Is an EPA Hazardous Waste Code?

Improper hazardous waste disposal leads to groundwater and soil contamination that negatively affects people and animals coming into contact it. Such exposure can cause serious illness, disease, and potentially death. To prevent negative impact on humans and the environment, regulations are instituted with safety in mind, and a large part of that safety component is the use of waste codes.

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Hazardous Waste Definition: What Atlanta, GA Companies Should Know

Hazardous Waste Definition: What Atlanta, GA Companies Should Know

If you run an Atlanta-based company that even potentially produces hazardous waste, it’s vitally important to understand what exactly goes into the hazardous waste definition. This knowledge helps ensure compliance with not only Georgia state laws, but those of the federal government. Both must be followed. Compliance regarding storage, shipment, treatment, and disposal also protects you and your company from fines and other unpleasant penalties.

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Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

Hazardous Waste… Are You a Small or Large Quantity Generator?

If you generate any hazardous materials in your line of work, it’s imperative you know your EPA generator status. Whether you’re a large quantity generator or a conditionally exempt small quantity generator dictates important aspects of how you store, transport, and report on your waste, and failure to comply with the regulations and laws that apply to your status could result in steep fines.  

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