Important Advantages of Using a Full-Service Waste Management Company
You're Covered for Whatever Type of Waste You Generate
Within the waste management industry, some of the categories of waste include:
- Hazardous.
- Nonhazardous.
- Medical waste.
- Dry cleaning waste.
Especially when it comes to hazardous, nonhazardous, and regulated medical waste, if you produce one type of this waste, it's likely you'll also be generating the other types. For example, in the medical arena, if you're disposing of expired medications, some of those hazardous, and some are not. Therefore, you're dealing with two different categories right there—hazardous waste and nonhazardous waste.
If you choose to work with a full-service waste management company, you can use one company you know and trust to deal with all your generated waste. You don't have to worry about finding multiple reputable companies, and you don't have to deal with the logistics of juggling those companies.
Diversity within the Industry Leads to Experience
Full-service outfits provide a wide range of waste management-related services, and being involved in all those steps of the process exposes the company to the rules and regulations that govern each step.
Working with companies that have experience identifying waste, transporting waste, filling out manifests and/or bills of lading, and more means that company knows waste management inside and out—from every level and at every step.
This kind of expertise can be invaluable to your business. If you have questions about any step in the waste management process, you're going to have access to highly trained, professional, experienced workers who can use firsthand knowledge to address those issues or concerns.
Turnkey Service and Its Benefits
Full-service waste management companies offer turnkey service. This means they can walk you through every step of waste management and service all your environmental needs. From waste identification to document shredding (or document destruction) to OSHA compliance training, a turnkey service does it all.
You, therefore, only have to manage working with one company rather than multiple outfits, which can quickly become inefficient. Working with one reputable company can also be more cost effective, as you're only paying one fee rather than many fees to many companies.
More Personalized Approach to Service
When working with a large company, it's more likely you're going to get generic information if you call for assistance. Rather than trying to solve a problem specific to your industry, you could just receive surface-level advice.
However, if you ask your full-service company (who knows you and your business), you're more likely to get individualized attention.
Especially if you're new to the industry, having a company tell you to create a profile before you ship isn't going to be meaningful. It's vastly preferential to have a full-service company who can come out and either perform the profile or walk you through and explain every step of that process. It's a more interactive experience that gives you real insight your industry's proper practices.
Liability Issues
Regardless of what waste company you work with, the liability and responsibility for that waste rests with the generator. Even if the waste is out of your hands (being transported by a waste management company or awaiting treatment at a medical waste treatment facility), you are still singularly responsible for that waste.
That is why choosing the right waste management company is so important. If the company you choose does not abide by current regulations and mishandles or improperly disposes of the waste, that transporter can be held responsible—but so can you. Depending on circumstances, this can mean fines or even more serious consequences.
A full-service company is more likely to be properly insured and permitted and make smart, legal decisions with your waste.
For more information about how full-service waste management companies can help your business, please contact a representative of MCF Environmental Services a full-servcie waste company located in Atlanta, Georgia.