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Are Long-Term Medical Waste Management Contracts Necessary?

Are Long-Term Medical Waste Management Contracts Necessary?

Doctors understand that their offices and facilities create biohazardous waste that must be disposed of properly and safely with a hazardous waste disposal company. However, not all doctors realize how many options they have in regards to partnering with businesses to dispose of that waste. Due at least in part to lack of information within the industry, many doctors’ offices needlessly become locked into long-term medical waste management contracts. While waste contracts are largely the norm, they are not the only option—and they are certainly not the best financial option.

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Consequences of Poorly Managed Medical Waste Disposal

Consequences of Poorly Managed Medical Waste Disposal

While a majority of medical waste can be classified as non-hazardous, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 15% falls into the hazardous waste category, each of which triggers a particular set of protocols for its management and disposal. In order to minimize the health risks associated with exposure to these potentially infectious materials, physicians, hospitals, and other healthcare providers must take every precaution when managing and disposing of all medical waste.

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